Monthly survey on retail trade 2022Jan

Mise en ligne le 16 Février 2022

In January turnover in retail trade levelled off after a strong month of December

Note: The trend in retail sales does not reflect that of total household consumption: the latter includes other items such as health care, education and rents.

In January, hit by the 5th wave of Covid-19, turnover in retail trade fell by 1.4% compared with December, after a 1.8% increase in December (in volume, adjusted for seasonal and working-day variations). Sales of manufactured goods fell by 1.5% over a month but are stable (+0.2%) compared with January, 2021.

Over the past three months compared with the three previous ones, total retail sales declined slightly by 0.6%, reflecting falls of 0.5% for food, and of 1.3% for manufactured goods. Turnover notably dropped by 7.8% in games and toys, by 6.1% in electronic goods and by 4.3% in textile and clothing. Conversely, pharmaceutical sales proved robust, rising by 7.3%, as did sales of automobile equipment and furniture (respective growth of 4.2% and 3.3%).
Total manufactured goods and food sales: T/T-1 change (%)
Quarter-on-quarter change; seasonally and working-day adjusted volume terms
Notes :
- The quarter-on-quarter change is calculated as the ratio of the average of the indices for the current quarter (November-December-January) to the average for the previous quarter (August-September-October).
- Sectors are classified according to the relative weight of the products included in the total aggregate of retail trade (weights are given on the right scale)
- The aggregated and by sub-sector series are seasonally adjusted on an individual basis: the seasonally adjusted series do not represent the sum of the seasonally adjusted components.
- In order to take into account outliers stemming from sanitary crisis, a methodological change on seasonal adjustement occurred.

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Mise à jour le 15 Février 2022