Monthly survey on retail trade 2022Oct

Published on 22 November 2022

After September's increase, turnover in retail trade declined in October

Note: The trend in retail sales does not reflect that of total household consumption: the latter includes other items such as health care, education and rents.

In October, turnover in retail trade fell by 3.7% against the previous month, adjusted for seasonal and working-day variations, after rising by 2.5% in September. This decline can be attributed to both food sales (-3.3% compared with September, after 0.5%) as well as to manufactured goods (-3.9%, after 4.1%). Over the month, the sharpest losses were seen in the new car (down 9.0%, after 10.2% rise) footwear (8.2%, after 3.3%) and consumer electronics (7.0%, after 9.1%) sectors. Only sports equipment posted a significant increase (2.7%, after 2.4%).

In term of distribution channels, the greatest declines were recorded by both small retailers (-3.7%, after 1.9%) and large retailers (-5.2%, after 1.8%), and to a lesser extent by supermarkets (-1.5%, after 0.6%).
Quarter-on-quarter, total retail trade sales fell slightly (-0.8%), with trends differing considerably across sectors. Sales of new cars (4.4%) and consumer electronics (3.9%) rose sharply, while those of textiles and clothing (-2.3%) and footwear (-5.2%) declined.

Total manufactured goods and food sales: M/M-1 change (%)
Month-on-month change; seasonally and working-day adjusted volume terms
Notes :
1) Sectors are classified according to the relative weight of the products included in the total aggregate of retail trade (weights are given on the right scale)
2) The aggregated and by sub-sector series are seasonally adjusted on an individual basis: the seasonally adjusted series do not represent the sum of the seasonally adjusted components.

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Updated on 21 November 2022