You are currently connected to the Banque de France institutional website at This portal is published by the Banque de France.

Corporate name : Banque de France, an institution governed by articles L 141-1 et seq. (Title IV, Book 1) of the French Monetary and Financial Code

RCS Paris registration :No. 572 104 891

NAF code : 6411Z

Capital : 1 000 000 000,00 euros

Head office : 1, rue de La Vrillière 75001 Paris, France

Telephone number : 01 42 92 42 92

Publishing director : Fabrice Hermel    

Hosting contact details :

Head office: 561, rue Saint Leonard 53100 Mayenne, France
Phone number: +33(0) 144 765 440
RCS: 582 131 264
Intracommunity VAT No.: FR 81 582 131 264

Updated on 19 January 2024