A crucial role for the entire public sector

The Banque de France acts as banker to the French state and to French and foreign institutional clients. It holds their current accounts and manages associated services (online banking) and payment means (credit transfers, direct debits, and card and cheque payments). It performs the traditional tasks of a central bank, governed by the rules of the Eurosystem, while at the same time using its cutting-edge expertise to provide the best service to its clients.

Why contact the Banque de France?

As a key player in the economic and financial system, the Banque de France has proven expertise in processing transactions that are strategically important, both in terms of volume and amount. It provides a wide range of high-performing, robust and secure banking services, underpinned by a state-of-the-art monitoring system for combating fraud, money-laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Contact us by email: Customer Relations Team - Banking Services

Managing accounts and payment means for institutional clients

The Banque de France holds the accounts of French and foreign institutional clients, manages their payment means and processes their transactions.

These clients are provided with online banking services, accessible via strong authentication, allowing them to view their accounts in real time, place single or SEPA credit transfer orders, send payment files and access account statements.

As a direct participant in all French interbank payment systems, the Banque de France initiates and receives payment flows for all of its clients.

In line with its missions, it may respond, in compliance with competition rules, to certain calls for tenders issued by public bodies for the provision of banking services.

Managing the Treasury’s single account

The Banque de France manages the French Treasury’s current account and processes its transactions within the framework of an agreement signed with the Ministries of the Economy and the Budget.

It enables Agence France Trésor (AFT), the state’s debt management office, to monitor its transactions and optimise the management of its cash balances, notably via an IT system that allows it to carry out its banking transactions: aid provided to the economy, funding to local authorities and local public institutions, payments related to tax collection, government wage payments, etc. In 2021, the Treasury’s single account processed 905 million payment transactions sent and received by public finance administrators.

In line with France’s national payment means strategy that it coordinates together with the Treasury, the Banque de France assists the government with its innovation efforts, notably aimed at facilitating the reconciliation it has to perform between payments received and the relevant user/taxpayer files.

Frequently asked questions

Consult the FAQ

According to Article L. 141-8 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, in France this comprises the Treasury, the Institut d'émission des départements d'outre-mer (IEDOM – Delegated Central Bank for the French Overseas Departments and Territories), the Institut d'émission d'outre-mer (IEOM – the Central Bank for the French Overseas Territories in the Pacific Region), the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, and bodies expressly authorised by decisions of the Banque de France’s General Council. For foreign or international entities, see page on the Banque de France's international investment offer.

You are a public institution and wish to open an account with the Banque de France: contact the Banque de France on 34 14 for further information. 

You are already a Banque de France client and wish to obtain information about the cash services provided by the Banque de France: contact your usual account manager.

Updated on 17 November 2023