Financing of microentreprises 2020Q4

Published on 26 February 2021

A sustained growth of loans to micro-enterprises

At the end of December 2020, the outstanding amount of loans to micro-enterprises reaches 354.8 billion euros, up by 15.7% year-on-year. The outstanding amount of treasury loans reaches 47.9 billion euros after 46 billion euros in the previous quarter. They continue to increase in the fourth quarter (+1.9 billion euros), less than in the third quarter (+4.3 billion euros), after a second quarter boosted by State-guaranteed loans (+ 20.7 billion euros). Equipment loans and real estate loans remains buoyant, at respectively +5.4% and +8.5%, after + 6.6% and + 8.3% in the previous quarter.
The average interest rate for credits of less than 250.000 euros in France slightly decreases to 1.40%. It remains 0.5% lower than the rate in the Eurozone.

Loans to micro-enterprises : credit type breakdown
(Outstanding amounts, EUR billions)
Outstanding Yearly growth
Q4 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020
Total loans 354.8 15.5% 15.7%
Treasury loans, including factoring 47.9 128.8% 142.9%
Equipment loans 151.9 6.6% 5.4%
Real estate loans 155.1 8.3% 8.5%
Micro-enterprises loans outstanding changes
(EUR billions)
Note : seasonally adjustment data for cash loans
Loans to micro-enterprises issuance
(Quarterly gross issuance, EUR billions)
Eurozone: Loans below €250,000 new issuances rate (%)
Source and design : Direction générale des statistiques, des études et de l'international

Additional information
In this data collection micro-enterprises are characterized by the criteria of the 2008 LME law - legal units excluding self-employed entrepreneurs with less than 10 employees, and which have an annual turnover or balance sheet total not exceeding 2 million euros - or by default, by a turnover not exceeding 2 million euros.

Micro-enterprises are part of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
More information on: long time series, calendar, methodology
All statistical series released by Banque de France are available at Webstat Banque de France
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STAT INFO - December 2020
Micro-entreprise financing
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Updated on 1 March 2021