
Four decades of wealth and debt in France

Mise en ligne le 15 Décembre 2023

Risques immobiliers

Bulletin No. 248, article 8. The Banque de France now publishes long term statistics on France’s national financial accounts, starting in 1977 instead of 1995. Combined with the non financial national accounts, which have been available from INSEE since 1978, they describe wealth and debt in France over more than four decades.

This article illustrates some of the major trends observed since 1978: the rise in national wealth has largely been concentrated in land underlying buildings; households have been the main beneficiaries of the increase in the value of property wealth, while the state’s wealth has increasingly been affected by the rise in public debt; the financial sector has expanded strongly thanks to the expansion in financial services, with a corresponding rise in assets and liabilities; lastly, changes in companies’ financial assets and liabilities have been driven by developments in equities, as a result of cross holdings and higher valuations.

Mise à jour le 18 Décembre 2023