Business failures - France 2020Mar

Mise en ligne le 14 Mai 2020

In February 2020, the number of corporate bankruptcies decreased by 10.0% year-on-year
  • At the end of February 2020, the aggregate number of corporate bankruptcies over the last 12 months amounted to 48,927, down by 10.0% compared to February 2019 (see tables A and B and charts 1 and 2). This significant fall is partly due to a base effect linked in particular to the number of corporate bankruptcies recorded in the first two months of 2020, a period prior to the measures taken in response to the pandemic.
Corporate bankruptcies decreased in all business sectors
  • At the end of February 2020, the industry sector, the education, human health and other service activities, the accommodation and food service activities, the agriculture sector and the construction sector recorded the strongest decreases in bankruptcies (-16.4%, -15.3%, -11.9%, -11.2% and -9.5% respectively, compared to February 2019). Bankruptcies also decreased significantly in the advisory and business support activities (-8.8%), the real estate activities ( -8.3%), the wholesale and retail trade sector (-7.5%) and the financial and insurance activities (-6.5%).
In February 2020, bankruptcies decreased for most firm sizes
  • Bankruptcies decreased for SMEs as a whole ( -10.0%) despite an increase for medium-sized firms (+1.2%). They also decreased for Intermediate-sized enterprises (ISEs) and large firms (-2 bankruptcies over 12 months see table B).
The outstanding loan amount of firms filing for bankruptcy over the past 12 months accounts, at the end of February, for less than 0.4% of the total outstanding loan amount reported to the Banque de France's Central Credit Register.

The provisional data for March will not be discussed (tables A and B and chart 2). These figures do not reflect the economic reality but the fact that commercial courts were closed in the second half of the month and the temporary measures regarding the examination of insolvency situations. They will have to be analyzed later on, in the light of the results of the forthcoming publications.
To find out more: data on business start-ups are reported by the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE): Business start-ups on the INSEE's website
A - Corporate bankruptcies by sector
Bankruptcies in number of legal units, year on year change (%)
Aggregate over the last 12 months (a) (gross data) Quater to quater sa/wda (bc) Monthly data sa / wda (c)
Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 20/Feb. 19 Mar. 20 prov. Mar. 20/Mar. 19 Feb. 20 Dec. 19 Jan. 20 Feb. 20
Business sector
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ) 1,432 1,271 -11.2% 1,176 -17.9% -23.2% 121 74 53
Industry (BE) 3,913 3,273 -16.4% 3,155 -17.8% -11.1% 266 240 227
Construction (FZ) 11,789 10,666 -9.5% 10,167 -13.5% -13.0% 868 768 710
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G) 11,625 10,750 -7.5% 10,326 -10.4% -11.6% 884 767 828
Transportation and storage (H) 2,088 2,055 -1.6% 1,967 -6.1% -10.7% 178 159 157
Accommodation and food service activities (I) 7,369 6,495 -11.9% 6,213 -15.0% -7.5% 538 450 499
Information and communication (JZ) 1,297 1,292 -0.4% 1,243 -3.1% -2.6% 104 102 118
Financial and insurance activities (KZ) 1,109 1,037 -6.5% 998 -11.1% -14.7% 88 57 81
Real estate activities (LZ) 1,657 1,519 -8.3% 1,431 -13.0% -22.0% 129 86 79
Advisory & Business support activities (MN) 6,171 5,629 -8.8% 5,336 -14.8% -8.9% 463 396 423
Education, human health and social work services, Arts, entertainment and recreation, Other service activities (P to S) 5,477 4,638 -15.3% 4,348 -20.5% -22.2% 383 277 237
All firms (d) 54,337 48,927 -10.0% 46,649 -13.8% -12.5% 3,989 3,433 3,455
Source: Banque de France - database: Fiben. Data available at end-April 2020: final for February, provisional for March.
Calculation : Banque de France - Companies Directorate - Companies Observatory
a Aggregate number of corporate bankruptcies over the past 12 months compared to the same aggregate one year ago
b Aggregate number of corporate bankruptcies over the past 3 months compared to the same aggregate three months ago
c sa : seasonally adjusted - wda : working day adjusted
d The line « All firms » includes legal units whose business sector is not known

B - Corporate bankruptcies by firm size
Bankruptcies in number of legal units, year on year change (%)
Aggregate over the last 12 months (a) (gross data) Quarter to quarter sa/wda (bc) Monthly data sa / wda (c)
Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 20/Feb. 19 Mar 20 prov. Mar 20/Mar 19 Feb. 20 Dec. 19 Jan. 20 Feb.20
SME, among them 54,302 48,894 -10.0% 46,615 -13.8% -12.5% 3,986 3,431 3,455
Micro-enterprises and unknown firm's size 51,365 46,181 -10.1% 43,982 -14.0% -12.8% 3,773 3,226 3,241
Very small firms 1,763 1,594 -9.6% 1,553 -11.9% -4.5% 137 123 126
Small firms 847 788 -7.0% 755 -11.4% 4.4% 60 62 75
Medium-size firms 327 331 1.2% 325 2.5% -20.0% 21 23 22
ISE - Large Firms 35 33 -5.7% 34 -2.9%
All firms 54,337 48,927 -10.0% 46,649 -13.8% -12.5% 3,989 3,433 3,455
Source: Banque de France - database: Fiben. Data available at end-April 2020: final for February, provisional for March.
Calculation : Banque de France - Companies Directorate - Companies Observatory
a Aggregate number of corporate bankruptcies over the past 12 months compared to the same aggregate one year ago
b Aggregate number of corporate bankruptcies over the past 3 months compared to the same aggregate three months ago
c sa : seasonally adjusted - wda : working day adjusted

C - Changes in corporate bankruptcies
1 - Number of bankruptcies
Aggregate number of bankruptcies over the past 12 months
From Dec. 1991 to February 2020
2 - Change in bankruptcies
Year-on-year change in the 12-month aggregate
From Dec. 1991 to February 2020 (+March 2020 provisional)
(in %)
3 - Loan amounts of bankrupt non-Financial firms over loan amount
of all firms
Aggregate over the past 12 months
From Dec. 2006 to February 2020 (+ March 2020 provisional)
(in %)
4 - Loan amounts of bankrupt non-financial firms over loan amount of all firms - broken down by firm size
Aggregate over the past 12 months
From Dec. 2006 to February 2020 (+ March 2020 provisional)
(in %)
Source: Banque de France, Companies Directorate, Data available at end-April 2020: final for February, provisional for March.
More information on: methodology, time series, calendar
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Corporate bankruptcies
STAT INFO - March 2020
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Mise à jour le 14 Mai 2020