Survey on Industry, Services and Construction 2020Oct

Mise en ligne le 9 Novembre 2020

Manufacturing industry, marcket services and construction
  • As anticipated, activity levels in October remained similar to those seen in September. The automobile industry reported a pick-up, whereas textiles and wearing apparel saw a decline.

    Cash positions fell slightly. Order books remained below normal levels.

    With the introduction of the new lockdown, business leaders expect activity to decline slightly in November; however, the fall is expected to be very contained compared with the drops seen in March and April.

Opinion on the outlook for industrial production*
Balance of opinions, SA-WDA
  • In market services, activity remained stable overall. However, accommodation and catering posted a decline.

    Cash positions deteriorated slightly to below pre-crisis levels.

    Business leaders expect activity to decline sharply in November as a result of the new lockdown (albeit to a more limited extent than in March-April), especially in accommodation and catering, and in leisure and personal services.

Opinion on the outlook for services activity*
Balance of opinions, SA-WDA
  • In the construction sector, activity levels remained stable.

    Order books are continuing to decline and stand below their long-term average.

    Business leaders expect activity to fall slightly in November as a result of the new lockdown.

Opinion on the outlook for construction activity*
Balance of opinions, SA-WDA
* A positive (negative) balance of opinions corresponds to a rise (fall) in the evolution of activity. Balances of opinions may range from -200 to+200.

For further details, see
sectoral level information, the methodology, the publications calendar, the contacts and all statistical time series published by the Banque de France can be accessed WEBSTAT Banque de France
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Mise à jour le 9 Novembre 2020