Monthly survey on retail trade 2021Dec

Mise en ligne le 18 Janvier 2022

Turnover in the retail sales fell moderately in the fourth quarter, thanks to a strong month of December, up by 2.2% on November
Note: The trend in retail sales does not reflect that of total household consumption: the latter includes other items such as health care, education and rents.

In December, retail trade sales grew by 2.2% compared to November (adjusted for seasonal and working-day variations), in particular thanks to automotive equipment, perfumes and toilet preparations and DIY sectors, which grew by 10.6%, 6.9% and 2.3% respectively. They were therefore slightly above their pre-crisis level, namely up 0.5% compared to the average for 2019.

In the 4th quarter as a whole, retail sales fell moderately by 0.9% compared to the previous quarter, after their strong increase of 4.5% in the 3rd quarter. This quarterly change was attributable to the 1.5% decline in sales of manufactured goods. Turnover was down in particular for consumer electronics and perfumes and toilet preparations, which decreased by 6.7% and 4.3% respectively. In contrast, automotive equipment and sports equipment rose by 5.8% and 5.3% respectively.

For 2021 as a whole, retail sales grew by 4.4% compared to 2020 as a whole, which was heavily impacted by the lockdown measures. However, they have not yet fully returned to their pre-crisis level in 2019, standing at 1.1% below that level.
Total manufactured goods and food sales: T/T-1 change (%)
Quarter-on-quarter change ; seasonally and working-day adjusted volume terms
Notes :
- The quarter-on-quarter change is calculated as the ratio of the average of the indices for the current quarter (October-November-December) to the average for the previous quarter (July-August-September).
- Sectors are classified according to the relative weight of the products included in the total aggregate of retail trade (weights are given on the right scale)
- The aggregated and by sub-sector series are seasonally adjusted on an individual basis: the seasonally adjusted series do not represent the sum of the seasonally adjusted components.
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Mise à jour le 17 Janvier 2022