Thierry Bedoin

Director General of the Banque de France’s Information System

Thierry Bedoin

Thierry Bedoin has been Director General of the Banque de France’s Information System since April 2020 and is a member of the Executive Committee. 

He is in charge of defining and implementing the information system strategy to ensure that the Banque de France makes the most of available technology in delivering its missions – monetary policy, financial stability and services to the economy and society – while remaining open and innovative. 

He is a graduate of École Centrale in Lyon and of Supélec, and first joined the Banque de France in 1983. 
After holding several positions in IT architecture and application development, he went on to become head of IT production, and in 2016 was appointed the Banque de France’s Chief Digital Officer, tasked with driving the digital transformation of the Bank and its ecosystem. His role was to develop a digital strategy and coordinate the roll-out of digital initiatives, while also supporting the different divisions in their transformation. He developed the Banque de France’s innovation process by setting up Le Lab, an in-house innovation laboratory where he oversaw the co-construction of new solutions in conjunction with external innovactors. 
In 2019, he received Central Banking magazine’s Fintech and Regtech Pioneer Award for the most innovative central bank in the world. 

Thierry Bedoin is the French representative of the Eurosystem’s IT Committee, whose role is to implement common IT infrastructures for European national central banks.