Annual Activity Report

Pursuant to Article L. 141-4 of the Monetary and Financial Code, each year the Observatory for the Security of Payment Means draws up an annual report that is sent to the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry and submitted to Parliament, precisely as the Observatory for Payment Card Security had done previously.

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Raising public awareness of the use of payment means

Security recommendations

The Observatory has drawn up a series of security recommendations aimed at users of payment means. These recommendations were written in collaboration with representatives of consumers, merchants and issuers, and are intended to be used by these players, each in their context, with their public.

The list was deliberately simplified and is confined to the main security measures. The Observatory requests that the media and the public authorities disseminate these recommendations as widely as possible.

Your habits make a direct contribution to the security of your means of payment. Please follow these basic security recommendations to protect your transactions:

Recommandations of the OSPM

Updated on the 14th of February 2025