Benchmark rates

The Banque de France is responsible for calculating the benchmark or reference rates used as a basis for usury rates, interest rates and regulated savings rates.

French Lombard rate

The French Lombard rate used by the Banque de France is based on Article L. 145-40 of the French Commercial Code, which states that "rent paid in advance, regardless of the form it takes, and even as a guarantee, shall bear interest for the tenant, at the Lombard rate used by the Banque de France, for sums in excess of that corresponding to the price of the rent of more than two terms". 

The method for calculating the Lombard rate is set out in the Decision of the Governor of 8 July 2005.

Policy rates

Legal interest rates

Exchange rates (trading floor)

  • Euro foreign exchange reference rates: these are published by the ECB and show the last five exchange rates (daily, monthly or end-of-month) quoted for the euro against the principal foreign currencies (including those of European countries).
  • Other exchange rates: these are calculated at the end of the month using available data. They are published for information purposes only and are not official reference rates.
  • Historical data are available for all exchange rates, dating back to 1999.
  • Euro contre les principales devises dont les pays européens

Interbank rates

€STR and EONIA – daily rates

€STR and EONIA rates can be found on the Webstat portal. 
- Euro short-term rate (€STR): reflects the euro unsecured overnight borrowing costs of banks located in the euro area. The rate is published by the ECB at 08:00 CET on each TARGET 2 business day. If errors are detected following standard publication that affect the published €STR by more than 2 basis points, the €STR is revised and republished on the same day, no later than 11:00 CET. No changes are made to the €STR on the ECB website after this time. The €STR is calculated as the average interest rate weighted by transaction volumes.
Click here to view the full methodology.
- Euro Overnight Index Average (EONIA): benchmark rate for overnight interbank lending in the euro area. Since 2 October 2019, the rate has been calculated by adding 8.5 basis points to the €STR.

EURIBOR – daily rates

The Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR) is the rate at which interbank term deposits in euros are offered from one prime bank to another. It is calculated as the daily average of the lending rates communicated by a panel of 19 large banks, after eliminating the highest and lowest 15% of all quotes. There are five different EURIBOR maturities, ranging from one week to 12 months. Rates are published every TARGET2 day, at or shortly after 11:00 CET. 

Since 10 July 2024, the Banque de France has no longer published EURIBOR rates. They can be found on the ECB website.

Treasury bill and OAT bond rates

Since 10 July 2024, the Banque de France has no longer published OAT rates. French monthly OAT rates can be found on the Agence France Trésor website under Key figures and can be downloaded here.

Bond indexes

Zero-coupon rates

Gold prices

Usury rates

Since the start of 2024, following the expiry of the temporary measures set out in the Order of 26 January 2023 relating to the adoption of temporary measures for the calculation of usury rates, enacting Article L. 314-8 of the Consumer Code and Article L. 313-5 of the Monetary and Financial Code, usury rates have once again been published quarterly. The last monthly rate was published in December 2023.

Regulated savings rates

Updated on 10 October 2024