Quarterly presentation of household savings

The overall breakdown of this wealth is available under the heading “Quarterly presentation of household savings". This is published quarterly, usually five months after the quarter in question and provides a comprehensive overview of how household savings are allocated, based on a split between "fixed-income products" and "equity-based products".

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Distributional wealth accounts

Distributional wealth accounts are used to analyse the concentration of wealth among different household categories and which investments they prefer. Various quarterly series are compiled for each euro area country, including France. The statistics include: the Gini coefficient; average and median net wealth; the share of net wealth owned by the poorest 50% of households and by the 5% and 10% richest households; the share of each investment instrument held by the different net wealth deciles of the population (D1 to D5, D6, D7, D8, D9 and D10), and according to employment and housing status; the debt-to-asset ratio of each net wealth decile.

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Annual report on regulated savings

Regulated savings are the focus of an annual report, available in Publications and statistics. Every year, this report assesses the importance of regulated savings within household savings and related trends.

It is published in the middle of the year and provides detailed information on Livret A passbook accounts, livrets de développement durable et solidaire (LDDS – sustainable development passbooks), popular savings passbooks (LEP) and housing savings plans (PEL). It also presents the different ways in which regulated savings are used, such as for financing social housing or SMEs. Lastly, it also includes a number of thematic analyses.

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Access to detailed statistical series

A range of series focusing on stocks, flows and interest rates on savings are available for consultation. These statistics are available for different periods and maturities and they are presented in series to facilitate analysis over longer periods.

Savings data: go to Webstat

Publication calendar

Lastly, to find out more, go to "Everything you need to know about savings", where you will find additional thematic information produced by the Banque de France, as well as links to the Assurance Banque Épargne website dedicated to the different savings products. These pages have been created in partnership with the Banque de France, the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR – Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority) and the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF – Financial Markets Authority). They are accessible and regularly updated and provide a detailed overview of the different savings products available to households, including France’s most popular financial instruments such as Livret A passbooks, sustainable development passbooks (LDDS), popular savings passbooks (LEPs) and housing savings plans (PEL).

Updated on 30 July 2024