
Monthly review for commercial paper and medium-term note market - August 2024

Published on 16 September 2024
  • Total NEU CP and NEU MTN outstanding stood at €357.2 bn in August 2024 (+€20.2 bn year-on-year). This increase is due to the NEU CP segment (+€20.9 bn year-on-year), which accounts for almost 89% of total outstanding. Outstanding in the NEU MTN segment fell by €0.7 bn year-on-year to €40.9 bn at the end of August 2024.
  • In August 2024, NEU CP issues were down across all issuer categories. In the financial sector (including ABCP), issuance totaled €88.2 bn, compared with €97.8 bn the previous month. In the non-financial (corporate) sector, they came to €17.1 bn, compared with €30.4 bn in July 2024.
  • In terms of issuing conditions, August saw a clear steepening of the inverted yield curve for all issuer categories.

Updated on 16 September 2024