Survey on Industry, Services and Construction 2021Mar

Published on 12 April 2021

Manufacturing industry, marcket services and construction
  • In March, activity rebounded. The electrical equipment and rubber and plastic sectors performed particularly well.

    The capacity utilisation rate returned to above its long-term average. Order books continued to improve and returned to levels higher than those observed in February 2020. Commodity prices rose sharply again according to survey respondents.

    Business leaders expect little change in activity in April.
Opinion on the outlook for industrial production*
Balance of opinions, SA-WDA
  • Service sector activity increased across the board, and particularly in business services (temporary work, accounting-management, IT).

    The cash position improved in most services.

    Business leaders expect a decline in activity in April.
Opinion on the outlook for services activity*
Balance of opinions, SA-WDA
  • Construction sector activity strengthened significantly in March.

    Order books improved, returning to their pre-crisis level.

    Business leaders expect activity to remain almost stable in April.
Opinion on the outlook for construction activity*
Balance of opinions, SA-WDA
* A positive (negative) balance of opinions corresponds to a rise (fall) in the evolution of activity. Balances of opinions may range from -200 to +200.

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Updated on 13 April 2021