Survey on Industry, Services and Construction 2021Jul

Published on 9 August 2021

Industry, market services and construction
  • In July, industrial activity was stable overall.

    Inventory levels remained below normal according to the business leaders surveyed. They also highlighted a further increase in raw material prices, albeit less pronounced than in June.

    The cash position in industry declined slightly but remained above its long-term average. This was also the case for order books.

    Business leaders expect activity to be stable in August.
Opinion on the outlook for industrial production*
Balance of opinions, SA-WDA
Market Services
  • Service sector activity was broadly stable in July, but improved significantly in accommodation and food service activities, which benefited from earlier decisions to ease health measures.

    The cash position remained above its long-term average across the board, but continued to be subdued in the accommodation and food service activities sector.

    Activity is expected to be stable overall in August, although food services are likely to see a decline due to the new health measures.
Opinion on the outlook for services activity*
Balance of opinions, SA-WDA
  • Construction activity showed little change in July.

    Order books were down slightly but remained far above their long-term average. Like in previous months, business leaders underscored an increase in in quote prices.

    Business leaders expect construction activity to wane in August.
Opinion on the outlook for construction activity*
Balance of opinions, SA-WDA
* A positive (negative) balance of opinions corresponds to a rise (fall) in the evolution of activity. Balances of opinions may range from -200 to +200.

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Updated on 9 August 2021