Money and the financing of the economy 2023Feb

Published on 27 March 2023

The pace of interest-bearing deposits growth increases

  • The annual growth in the resources of Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) included in M3 decreases slightly to +4.1% in February 2023 (down from +4.5% in January), due to the sharp drop in overnight deposits.
  • The growth rate of interest-bearing deposits (M2-M1) increases (+17.8% in February, up from +16.1% in January as in December 2022). Growth in saving accounts is still robust but stable (+6.9% in February as in the previous month), although this stability includes a significant shift from unregulated to regulated savings accounts.
  • Deposits with a maturity of up to 2 years are the main counterparts of the reallocation of overnight deposits, whose outstanding amounts continue to decline (-6.7% in February year-on-year, after - 4.8% in January). The outstanding amount of these deposits with agreed maturity up to 2 years rises sharply in February - it has almost doubled over one year.
  • The annual growth of loans granted by MFIs to the private sector remains dynamic (+4.6% in February), and that of loans to NFCs even increased slightly (+6.9% after +6.8% in January 2023).
Table 1 - France : M3 and the financing of the economy

February 2023 (12-month cumulative flows)

Total assets 169.3 Total liabilities 169.3
Domestic General Government financing 27.9 Resources included in M3 115.0
Of which loans 0.7 M1 -101.5
Of which securities 27.3 M2 - M1 170.2
Domestic private sector financing 159.4 M3 - M2 46.3
Of which loans to households 74.7 Long-term resources (a) 54.4
Of which loans to NFCs 86.4
Net external assets -91.8
Remaining counterparts (b) 73.8

(a) Deposits over 2 years, debt securities issued, capital and reserves, central government deposits.
(b) Net of inter-MFI assets and liabilities, net of other balance sheet items (financial derivatives, accounting lags, fixed assets), currency in circulation, gold, SDR.

Source and production: Banque de France - Direction générale de la statistique, des études et de l'international
Table 2 - France : monetary resources of monetary financial institutions
Decomposition of French component of euro-area M3 Outstandings
(in € Bn)
Annual growth
rate (in %)
(en € Bn) (a)
Feb- 2023 Jan- 2023 Feb- 2023 Jan- 2023 Feb- 2023
Overnight deposits 1,425 -4.8 -6.7 -35.4 -20.7
= Domestic resources included in M1 1,425 -4.8 -6.7 -35.4 -20.7
Deposits with agreed maturity of up to 2 years 236 78.5 94.6 12.4 14.7
+ Saving accounts 892 6.9 6.9 4.6 4.9
= Domestic resources included in M2-M1 1,128 16.1 17.8 17.0 19.7
MMF shares 251 1.0 3.0 0.7 2.3
+ Repurchase agreements 47 19.1 -4.1 9.6 -7.2
+ Debt securities issued with a maturity of up to 2 years 48 114.6 142.4 -8.0 5.4
= Domestic resources included in M3-M2 346 15.2 15.3 2.3 0.5
Sum of domestic resources included in M3 2,899 4.5 4.1 -16.1 -0.6
+ Monetary external liabilities vis-à-vis other monetary union members 354 8.4 17.0 3.2 -1.3
- Monetary external assets vis-à-vis other monetary union members 73 2.5 -11.1 5.7 -0.1
= French component of euro area monetary aggregate M3 3,180 4.8 5.5 -18.6 -1.8

(a) Seasonally-adjusted data.

Source and production: Banque de France - Direction générale de la statistique, des études et de l'international
Table 3 - Counterparts of domestic resources included in M3
(in € Bn)
Annual growth
rate (in %)
(en € Bn) (a)
Feb- 2023 Jan- 2023 Feb- 2023 Jan- 2023 Feb- 2023
Domestic General government financing (1) 1,177 3.3 2.4 2.2 -0.4
Of which loans 210 -0.1 0.3 -0.3 0.7
Of which securities 967 4.1 2.9 2.5 -1.1
Domestic private sector financing (2) 3,642 4.8 4.6 -7.5 6.8
Of which loans to households 1,715 4.8 4.6 4.1 4.3
Of which loans to NFCs 1,333 6.8 6.9 3.6 3.6
Net external assets (3) 236 -31.5 -32.9 10.3 -3.2
Remaining counterparts (b) (4) 342 18.9 21.1 -18.5 -3.7
Long-term resources (c) (5) 2,497 2.5 2.2 2.6 0.1
Domestic resources included in M3 (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)-(5) 2,899 4.5 4.1 -16.1 -0.6

(a) Seasonally-adjusted data.
(b) Net of inter-MFI assets and liabilities, net of other balance sheet items (financial derivatives, accounting lags, fixed assets), currency in circulation, gold, SDR.
(c) Deposits over 2 years, debt securities issued, capital and reserves, central government deposits.

Source and production: Banque de France - Direction générale de la statistique, des études et de l'international
Contributions to the growth of the domestic resources included in M3
Contribution of monetary counterparts to growth of the domestic resources included in M3
Source and production: Banque de France - Direction générale de la statistique, des études et de l'international
Additional information
Resources included in M3 (excluding banknotes and coins) consist of investments with a maturity of up to two years held by money-holding agents (households, non-financial corporations, General government excluding central government, insurance companies, pension funds, non-monetary mutual funds, investment firms and special purpose vehicles, for the most part) with monetary financial institutions (MFI).

Monetary financial institutions (MFIs) include credit institutions, finance companies, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, money market funds and the Banque de France.

Saving accounts include Livret A and Livret Bleu passbooks, sustainable development and solidarity passbooks, home savings accounts, popular savings passbooks, youth passbooks and ordinary passbooks. Regulated savings are partly centralized in the Savings Fund managed by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and thus only pass through the banks' balance sheets. Repurchase agreements are temporary purchases of securities by customers (particularly companies, insurance companies and non-money market funds). Debt securities with a maximum maturity of two years mainly comprise NEUCP issued by French banks and subscribed by customers that are not credit institutions or money market funds.

Funding of the economy includes all financing provided by MFIs to the domestic public and private sectors, in the form of loans and securities (debt and equity).

Net external assets correspond to the balance (assets minus liabilities) of MFI operations with the rest of the world.

Long-term inflows of MFIs include capital and reserves, debt securities issued by MFIs with a maturity of more than 2 years, deposits with a maturity of more than 2 years and central government deposits.

The item
"Remaining counterparts" includes the balance of inter-MFI receivables and liabilities, the net of other balance sheet items (financial derivatives, accounting differences, fixed assets) and currency in circulation.

Growth rates for the outstanding amounts are calculated by adjusting changes in stocks for effects not resulting from economic transactions, in particular corrections for classification errors, but not for exchange rate effects.

The data on outstanding amounts, annual growth rates, and 12-month cumulative flows published in this Statinfo are not seasonally adjusted, but the monthly flow data are.
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Money and the financing of the economy
STAT INFO - february 2023

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Updated on 27 March 2023