Loans by size of firms 2020Apr

Published on 15 June 2020

State-guaranteed loans support access to low-interest financing for SMEs
  • At the end of April 2020, drawn credits by companies reach 1110.9 billion euros, up +8.2% year-on-year, after an increase of +6.7% between March 2019 and March 2020.

  • Credit growth stands at +9.1% for SMEs, +3.8% for ISEs and +13.5% for large corporates. The higher growth for large firms is the result of the large drawdowns made in March on credit authorizations, but excluding this effect, the growth rate is broadly comparable for SMEs.

  • The largest sectoral variations are in the sectors Accommodation and food service activities (I): +7 pts: 14.6% up from 7.6%, Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G): +6.5 pts: 12.1% up from 5.6% and Consulting and business services (MN): +3.9 pts: 13.9% up from 10.0%. The main indebted sector (real estate activities, mainly tracing the activity of property trading, operating and leasing companies) sees its growth rate decelerate from 6.3% to 5.9% month-on-month.

  • Average interest rates on new loans to NFCs fall sharply in April, reaching unprecedented levels after the introduction of state-guaranteed loans (PGEs). The rate falls by 84 basis points for loans of EUR 1 million or less (0,74 %, after 1,58 % in March) and by 19 basis points for loans of more than EUR 1 million (0,99 %, after 1,18 % in March).

Outstanding amounts of loans to resident enterprises by size (*)
(Outstanding amounts in EUR Bn, annual growth rate in %)
Number of enterprises (**) Outstanding amounts Drawn credits

annual growth rate
April-2020 April-2020 April-2020/April-2019 March-2020/March-2019
SME 1,175,713 462.4 9.1 5.4
ISE 6,295 295.5 3.8 3.3
Large Firms 283 164.0 13.5 13.8
(exc. non-trading real estate companies and others)
1,182,291 922.0 8.1 6.1
non-trading real estate companies and others (see Additional) 610,793 188.9 8.8 9.6
All enterprises 1,793,084 1,110.9 8.2 6.7
(*) inc. sole proprietors
(**) LME definition, with loans outstanding amounts above 25000 euros
Outstanding amounts of loans to resident enterprises by type of credit and by sector
(Outstanding amounts in EUR Bn, annual growth rate in %)
Drawn credits Drawn and undrawn credits
Outstanding amounts Annual growth rates Outstanding amounts Annual growth rate
April-2020 April-2020/April-2019 April-2020 April-2020/April-2019
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ) 55.3 2.9 63.2 3.5
Industry (BE) 145.0 5.9 240.5 6.9
- inc. Manufacturing (C) 112.0 4.6 182.8 6.0
Construction (FZ) 60.2 7.3 93.7 9.3
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G) 155.3 12.1 213.8 11.4
Transportation and storage (H) 52.5 5.5 66.3 3.5
Accommodation and food service activities (I) 36.2 14.6 40.4 12.8
Information and communication (JZ) 20.5 12.9 41.6 10.0
Real estate activities (LZ) 435.6 6.5 475.7 5.9
Advisory and Business support activities (MN) 69.5 13.9 86.7 8.6

Education, human health and social work services, Arts, entertainment and recreation, Other service activities (P to S)
51.9 5.4 58.3 3.6
Holdings 29.0 27.9 36.9 26.6
Total 1,110.9 8.2 1,417.1 7.7
Interest rates on new loans to non-financial corporations (exc. overdraft)
(Effective interest rates in the narrow sense, in percentages)
Apr- 2019 Nov- 2019 Dec- 2019 Jan- 2020 Feb- 2020 Mar-2020 (a) Apr- 2020(b)
- loans < or = 1 million euros 1.66 1.50 1.48 1.47 1.49 1.58 0.74
- loans > 1 million euros 1.52 1.30 1.30 1.41 1.20 1.18 0.99
(a) Revised
(b) Provisional
Outstanding amounts of credit
(drawn credit, in EUR Bn (*))
(*) see Additional information
Additional information
The outstanding amounts of credit in this publication are those collected by the central credit register, i.e. of a unit amount of more than 25,000 euros. These outstanding amounts include drawn credits, which means those actually used, and the undrawn credits, unused lines of credit. Individual data are grouped according to the size (larges firms, intermediate-sized enterprise - ISE and small and medium-sized enterprise - SME) and the sector of businesses. Businesses that cannot be assigned in a size category according to the criteria of the LME (Loi de Modernisation de l'économie) are included in the category "non-trading real estate companies and others".

Additional data on SMEs, interest rates by size of enterprises, and share of less than 3 year old enterprises (excl. sole proprietors) in the total of enterprises, are available at the following address:
Outstanding amounts of credit to micro-enterprises (incl. sole proprietors), come from another data collection and are available at the following address:

Non-financial corporations include all enterprises with as main activity the market production of goods and non-financial services, excluding sole proprietors.

Interest rates in this publication are those to new credits distributed by resident credit institutions to French non-financial corporations. The interest rates are effective rates in the narrow sense. They correspond to the interest component of the Annual Percentage Rate (TEG).
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All statistical time series published by the Banque de France can be accessed on
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STAT INFO - April 2020
Loans by size of firms

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Updated on 15 June 2020