Loans to individuals, France 2020Jul

Published on 4 September 2020

Housing loans slow down, its growth remains strong
  • Annual growth in housing loans remains steady in July at +5.4%, down from +5.9% in June.
  • Recourse to renegotiating housing loans is moderating. Their share of new production reaches 21% (after 25% in June and 32% in May).
  • The interest rate on new housing loans stands at 1.29%, after 1.26% in June including renegotiations, and 1.26%, after 1.22% in June excluding renegotiations.
  • Annual growth in consumer credit is almost stable in July (+0.7%, down from +0.8% in June).
  • Overall, the annual growth rate in loans to individuals is +4.8%, down +5.2% in June.
Outstanding amounts and annual growth rates (without seasonal adjustment)
(Outstanding amounts in EUR Bn, annual growth rate in %)
End-of-month level Annual growth rate
juil. 2020 May-2020 Jun-2020 juil. 2020
Total 1,326 5.2 5.2 4.8
Lending for house purchase 1,106 6.1 5.9 5.4
Credit for consumption 187 -0.6 0.8 0.7
Other lending 33 9.1 8.0 7.6
Monthly flows of housing loans (with seasonal adjustment)
(Changes in stocks in EUR Bn, adjusted for sales and securitization and write-offs/write-downs)
Share of renegotiation of new property loans
Monthly new loans seasonally adjusted, in € Bn and share in %)
Production of new loans (excluding overdrafts, monthly flows seasonally adjusted (a))
(in EUR Bn)
Feb- 2020 Mar-2020 Apr- 2020 May-2020 Jun-2020 (e) juil. 2020 (f)
- loans for consumption purposes (b) 6.0 4.2 1.9 3.6 6.0 6.2
- housing loans 26.4 19.9 19.9 21.0 17.4 16.9
of which housing loans excluding renegotiations 18.7 14.3 10.5 14.2 13.0 13.3
- proportion of renegotiation (not seasonally adjusted) in % (c) 29.3 28.0 47.1 32.2 25.5 21.1
Interest rates on new loans (narrow defined effective rate, monthly average)
(in %)
Feb- 2020 Mar-2020 Apr- 2020 May-2020 Jun-2020 (e) juil. 2020 (f)
- housing loans long term and fixed rates 1.19 1.19 1.31 1.25 1.26 1.29
- housing loans short term and floating rates 1.27 1.24 1.37 1.34 1.32 1.34
- housing loans excluding renegotiations 1.17 1.17 1.16 1.17 1.22 1.26
- loans for consumption purposes (b) 3.84 3.76 3.83 3.86 3.61 3.61
- overdrafts for individuals (d) 5.74 5.72 5.94 5.73 5.30 4.98
(a) Parameters for seasonal adjustment are updated each month, taking into account monthly data under review.
(b) Excluding revolving loans.
(c) Ratio of renegotiated loans on housing loans, both not seasonally adjusted
(d) Overdrafts: negative balance of ordinary accounts + commercial credits + factoring + cash credits without fixed repayment schedule (including mobilization of revolving loans).
(e) Revised data
(f) Provisional data
Interest rates on housing loans, all maturities
(Narrowly defined effective rate, average weighted by long and short term flows, in %)
Additional information
Only loans granted to individuals (households excluding sole proprietors and unincorporated partnerships) by resident monetary financial institutions are presented here.
The outstanding growth rates are calculated by correcting accounting modifications that do not reflect economic changes. In particular the accounting derecognition of loans from the MFI's statistical balance sheet due to their sale, securitization or write-offs/write-downs is corrected. Conversely, exchange rate effects are taken into account without any change.
Monthly growth rates are those of new loans agreed, i.e. disbursed. It should not be considered as an indication for identifying any inflection point in loans' granting policy, since a delay is observed between the acceptance of the loans and its effective disbursement.
The monthly growth rates are those of the loans originated. New loan production represents new loans granted, even when they are not yet actually disbursed to the borrower, in accordance with the Eurosystem's harmonised methodology, which aims to provide the public with an indicator that rapidly reflects changes in loan production. For this reason, the production of new loans differs from monthly changes in outstanding loans because the outstanding amounts are recorded after the actual disbursement of funds and take into account the amortisation of old loans.
The weighted average rates and new business volumes are calculated according to the harmonized definitions of the Eurosystem. Published rates are the narrowly defined effective rate (NDER). They correspond to the interest component of the Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APRC). Renegotiated loans also include mortgage repurchases.
More information on: time series, calendar, methodology

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STAT INFO - July 2020
Loans to individuals
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Updated on 4 September 2020