Access to bank financing for companies 2024Q1

Published on 3 May 2024

A majority of companies report stabilizing or decreasing cost of credit

  • Loan applications have been stable for several quarters for SMEs, and down for MTEs' investment loans.

  • Credit obtention rates remained high for SMEs and MTEs, especially for investment loans.

  • A majority of companies report stabilizing or even decreasing cost of credit.

NB: bank credits alone are examined in this survey; MTEs have access to private financing options, which provides them with financing solutions not covered by this survey.

1. Requests for investment loans in % of companies
2. Grants for investment loans in % of companies having applied for this type of credit (fully fulfilled or at least at 75%)
3. Requests for new cash credits in % of companies
4. Grants for cash credits in % of companies having applied for this type of credit (fully fulfilled or at least at 75%)
Data not seasonally adjusted, in %; excluding use of previously granted credit lines
Scope: companies with autonomy to decide on credit applications: SME = 10 - 249 employees; MTE = 250 - 4999 employees

New investment loans
  • The proportion of companies having applied for new investment loans (see graph 1) remained stable at 19% in Q1 2014 for SMEs, and fell by 6 points for MTEs, 22% of which applied for a loan.

  • Obtention rates for these loan applications were very high for both SMEs and MTEs: 98% of SMEs and 96% of MTEs having applied for a loan obtained all or more than 75% of it (see graph 2).

New cash credits
  • The proportion of companies having requested new cash credits (see graph 3) remained low for SMEs, with 5% credit demands compared with 6% in Q4 2023. The same trend can be observed among MTEs, with the proportion of applications down by one point to 5%.

  • Obtention rates for this type of credit were stable at a high level, slightly lower than for investment credit applications: 85% of SMEs and 87% of MTEs have obtained all or more than 75% of their credit.

Additional information
1 - Credit lines

For operating needs, SMEs and MTEs can apply (usually at the beginning of the year) for credit lines giving them drawing rights over the year.

  • Requests are stable for both SMEs and MTEs, with a third of SMEs and almost half of MTEs having made a line request in the last 12 months.

  • These requests were still largely met (fully or more than 75%), in more than 95% of cases for SMEs and MTEs.

  • 54% of SMEs drew on credit lines this quarter, down 1 point on the previous quarter. 55% of MTEs drew on their credit lines, down 6 points on Q4 2023.

Requests for new credit lines over the last 12 months (in % of companies) and mobilization of credit lines over the last 3 months (in % of companies having been granted new lines)

2- Supply rate for equipment loans

Among investment loans, equipment loans are intended to finance intangible or tangible assets, excluding real estate.

  • Obtention rates for equipment loans remained high for all company sizes: 93% of SMEs and 89% of MTEs who applied for this type of loan obtained it (fully or at more than 75%).
Grants for equipment loans in % of companies having applied for this type of credits (fulfilled at least at 75%)

3- Evolution of the cost of credit
  • In Q1 2024, the proportion of companies reporting an increase in the overall cost of credit decreased significantly, down 16 points for SMEs and 22 points for MTEs compared to the previous quarter.

  • Conversely, more companies, both SMEs and MTEs, reported a decrease in the overall cost of credit.

  • On the whole, 54% of SMEs and 50% of MTEs reported that the overall cost of credit remained stable or fell. This represents an increase of 14 points for SMEs and 22 points for MTEs compared with Q4 2023.

Share of companies reporting an increase or a decrease in the cost of credit (in % of companies)

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STAT INFO - 1st quarter 2024

Access to bank financing of companies

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Updated on 2 May 2024