Monthly business survey

Monthly Business Survey – Start of May 2023

Published on 10 May 2023

The Banque de France publishes a range of monthly and quarterly economic surveys that provide a snapshot of the French economy in the form of business climate indicators and short-term forecasts.

According to the business leaders surveyed (approximately 8,500 companies and establishments questioned between 26 April and 4 May), activity increased in April in industry, services and construction. For May, business leaders expect activity to stabilise in services and to decline in industry and construction. However, these expectations may reflect at least in part the effect of a higher than usual number of holidays in May.

Supply difficulties continued to ease in construction (17% of companies reported difficulties in April, after 19% in March) and in industry (28% of business leaders reported difficulties, down from 30% in March). Above all, for the first time since the summer of 2020, manufacturers indicated a decline in raw material prices and a levelling-off of finished products prices. Recruitment difficulties decreased slightly but concerned about half of businesses (51%).

Our uncertainty indicator decreased slightly in the three major sectors compared to the previous month, but remained high compared with pre-2020 levels. Cash positions hardly changed in industry and improved in services.

As regards the consequences of the energy crisis, business leaders’ opinions improved significantly, with 25% indicating that it would affect their activity over the next three months (after 29% in March and 31% in January).

Based on the survey results, as well as other indicators, we estimate that GDP growth in the second quarter of 2023 should be slightly positive compared to the previous quarter.

1. In April, activity continued to increase in industry, services and construction

In April, activity increased in industry, at a pace in line with the expectations expressed by business leaders last month. Balances of opinion indicate that production rose in most sectors. The increase was particularly strong in chemicals and pharmaceuticals, as well as in aeronautics and computer, electronic and optical products. In the automotive and rubber and plastic products sectors, production dipped slightly.

Image EMC june 2023 - Balance of opinion on the outlook for activity Description The threen graphs introduce balance of opinion on the outlook for activity from 2021 to 2023 : a. in industry; b. in market services; c. in construction. Note The balance of opinion on the change in activity (wich measures the difference between the proportion of businesses that said activity had risen and the proportion that said it had declined over the past month) was 6 points in industry in Paril, which is close ot the long-term average for the indicator. For May, business leaders expect activity to decrease in industry.
Balance of opinion on the outlook for activity

Inventories of finished goods increased in April. They were deemed to be above their long-term average, particularly in computer, electronic and optical products, electrical equipment, chemicals and the automotive industry. Conversely, in the pharmaceutical industry, inventories were deemed to be significantly lower than usual.

Image EMC may 2023 - Invetories of finished products in industry Description The graph introduces invetories of finished products in industry from 2008 to 2022 (balance of opinion, adjusted for seasonal and working-day variations).
Inventories of finished products in industry

In market services, activity continued to expand at a sustained rate. This rise was particularly robust in car repair services, publishing, accommodation, leisure activities and personal services. Conversely, activity contracted sharply in temporary work, as well as in transportation and storage.

Activity hardly improved in construction: it remained more dynamic in finishing works than what business leaders had anticipated in last month’s survey; on the other hand, it fell significantly in structural works, in line with business leaders’ expectations.

The balance of opinion on cash positions hardly changed in industry, and remained below its long-term average. It picked up in services in April, particularly in food services, technical services and advertising and market research.

Image EMC may 2023 - Cash position Description Both the graphs introduce cash position from 2010 to 2022 in industry and in market services (balance of opinion, adjusted for seasonal and working-day variations).
Cash position in industry and market services

2. In May, business leaders expect activity to decline in industry and construction and to stabilise in services

In May, and for the first time since last summer, business leaders in industry expect activity to decline in most sectors, which may reflect, at least in part, the effect of a higher than usual number of holidays taken by employees in this sector (even after adjusting for working day and seasonal variations). Decreases in activity are expected in particular in metal and metal products manufacturing, rubber and plastics and electrical equipment. In contrast, growth in computer, electronic and optical products is expected to remain high.

In services, activity is expected to increase little, due to contrasting sectoral dynamics. Thus, in automobile repair, transportation and storage, and temporary work, business leaders expect activity to decline. In the other sectors, they expect an increase in activity, particularly in accommodation and food services as well as in car rental services, management consultancy and publishing.

Lastly, in construction, business leaders expect activity to fall in both structural and finishing works.

Our monthly uncertainty indicator, which is constructed from a textual analysis of comments made by the respondent companies, decreased slightly in April. However, it remained above its pre-Covid average level.

Image EMC may 2023 - Indicator of uncertainty in the comments section of the monthly business survey Description The graph introduces indicator of uncertainty in the comments section of the monthly business survey from 2018 to 2023 with 9 comparison points: 1. Yellow vest protests; 2. Industrial action; 3. 1st lockdown; 4. 2nd lockdown; 5. 3rd lockdown; 6. 4th wave/Delta; 7. 5th wage/Omicron; 8. War in Ukraine; 9. Energy crisis.
Indicator of uncertainty in the comments section of the Monthly Business Survey (MBS)

In industry, the balance of opinion on order books fell to below its fifteen-year average, albeit with a strong polarisation between sectors where order books were deemed to be well-stocked (automotive industry, aeronautics, computer, electronic and optical products, metal and metal products manufacturing) and those where they were deemed to be low (agri-food, chemicals, wood, paper and printing, rubber and plastic products). In construction, order books increased for the second month in a row, thanks to a revival of orders in finishing works.

Image EMC May 2023 - Level of order books Description Both the graphs introduce level of order books in industry and construction from 2010 to 2022 (balance of opinion, adjusted for seasolnal and working-day wariations).
Level of order books in industry and construction

3. Supply difficulties continued to subside; the pace of price increases slowed sharply in industry and construction

In April, supply difficulties continued to subside in industry (affecting 28% of businesses, after 30% in March) and in construction (17%, after 19%).

Image EMC May 2023 - Share of businesses reporting supply difficulties Description The graph introduces share of businesses reporting supply difficulties in industry and construction from june 2021 to april 2023.
Share of businesses reporting supply difficulties

For the first time since the summer of 2020, the balance of opinion on raw material prices turned negative in industry, while the balance of opinion on finished products prices fell sharply, which indicates that the pace of price increases was once again similar to that of the pre-Covid period. In construction, prices slowed markedly, with competition intensifying in a context of anticipated lower activity. In services, the slowdown in prices was more gradual.

Image EMC May 2023 - Balance of opinion on price developments compared with the previous month and balance of opinion on price developments compared with the previous month Description Both the graphs introduce: 1. Balance of opinion on price developments compared with the previous month in manufacturing industry from 2016 to 2022 : finished goods and raw materials. 2. Balance of opinion on price developments compared with the previous mounth in industry, services and construction from 2016 to 2022. (balance of opinion, adjusted for seasonal and working-day variations)
Balance of opinion on price developments compared with the previous month-Manufacturing industry; Balance of opinion on price develpments compared with the previous month

More specifically, 13% of business leaders said they raised their selling prices in industry in April (compared with 49% in April 2022). This proportion is the lowest for a month of April since 2019 (except for 2020). In the agri-food sector, it reached 19% (compared with 53% in April 2022), which is close to the expectations expressed by business leaders last month (14%). In construction, 23% of businesses raised their prices in April (65% in April 2022). In services, the proportion dropped to 19%, compared with 29% in April 2022. The overall outlook for May suggests further easing in industry (9%), market services (12%), and construction (19%).

Image EMC May 2023 - Share of business leaders who increased their selling prices Description Both the graphs introduce: 1. Share of business leaders who increased their selling prices, by major sector from january 2021 to may 2023: industry, services and construction. 2. Share of business leaders in industry that increased their selling prices in April, by sub-sector: - aeronautics and other transports; - chemicals industry; - agri-food industry; - computer, electronic and optical products; - electrical equipment; - total industry; - other industral goods; - metal and metal products manufacturing; - automotive; -wearing apparel, textiles, footwear; - pharmaceutical industry; - wood, paper and printing Rubber and plastic products; - machinery and equipment.
Share of business leaders who increased their selling prices, by major sector; Share of business leaders in industry that increased their selling prices in Paril, by sub-sector

Business leaders were also asked about their recruitment difficulties. These difficulties decreased slightly in April and concerned 51% of the businesses questioned in all sectors.

Image EMC May 2023 - Share of businesses reporting recruitment difficulties Description The graph introduces share of businesses reporting recruitment difficulties in industry, services, construction and combined from june 2021 to april 2023.
Share of businesses reporting recruitment difficulties

4. Our estimates point to a slight increase in GDP in the second quarter

In our previous business survey, published on 11 April 2023, we correctly anticipated the evolution of activity in the first quarter, as the quarterly accounts published by Insee at the end of April indicated a GDP growth of 0.2%. Despite a downturn in the construction sector, activity was resilient in the past quarter, particularly in industry, driven up by the energy component, while market services remained stable compared to the fourth quarter of 2022.

For the month of April, the use of survey information at a fine level of disaggregation, as well as other available data, leads us to estimate that GDP is expected to increase compared to March, which recorded a monthly low. This is mainly due to an upturn in activity in industry and market services, with a strong rebound in the sectors affected by the strikes in March, in particular transport services and energy.

More specifically, according to the survey data, value added is expected to rise in the manufacturing industry and remain stable in the agri-food industry. The energy sector (not covered by the survey) is the main driver of value added growth in industry, which picked up after a lacklustre month of March. The value added in the services covered by the survey is also expected to increase in April, in household services, accommodation and food services and business services. Finally, construction is expected to rise slightly in April.

The high-frequency data that we monitor in parallel for those services excluded from or only partially covered by the survey suggest that value added dropped slightly in the trade sectors, whereas it rebounded in transport services (in particular those affected by the industrial action).

Image EMC May 2023 - Monthly changes in value added in France Description The graph introduces monthly changes in value added in France. Note: QoQ=quarterly change ; MoM=monthly change. Source: Insee data for the first quarter of 2023, Banque de France estimates foir April. Activity sector VA share Q1 2023 (QoQ) April (MoM) Agriculture 2 -4.4 0.0 Energy 3 6.1 1.5 Manufacturing industry 11 0.1 0.3 Construction 6 -0.3 0.1 Market services 57 0.0 0.3 Non-market services 22 0.2 -0.1 Total GDP 100 0.2 0.2  
Monthly changes in value added in France

Business leaders’ forecasts for May indicate that GDP will increase moderately compared to April, with again contrasting performances across sectors and a degree of uncertainty which is still rather high.

For the second quarter of 2023 as a whole, we estimate that GDP will be slightly up on the previous quarter.

Image EMC May 2023 Appendix 1 : The impact of the energy crisis on activity and margins Description The appendix introduces the impact of the energy crisis on activity and margins. It begins with impact on activity with thow graphs introducing share of businesses reporting a significant impact of the energy crisis on their activity in 2023 (% of surveyed businesses): 1. Past activity : a. Industry: - january: 29%; - february: 29%; - march: 28%; - april: 24%. b. Services: - january: 24%; - february: 25%; - march: 26%; - april: 21%. c. Construction: - january: 26%; - february: 23; - march: 22%; - april: 20%. d. Combined: - january: 26%; - february: 26%; - march: 26%; - april: 22%. 2. Activity over the next three months: a. Industry: - january: 39%; - february: 35%; - march: 32%; - april: 27%. b. Services: - january: 28%; - february: 27%; - march: 28%; - april: 24%. c. Construction: - january: 33%; - february: 29%; - march: 30%; - april: 25%. d. Combined: - january: 31%; - february: 29%; - march: 29%; - april: 25%. 6% of industrial firms said the energy crisis had had a strong impact on their activity in April; the proportion was lower in construction and in services (5%). The proportion of businesses who thought the energy crisis had had a significant impact (weak or strong) decreased significantly on the previous month to stand at 22%. The impact of the energy crisis was more marked in industry (24%). Regarding the next three months, the proportions are higher, but have been declining since November. In April, the share of businesses who said they thought the crisis would have a significant impact (weak or strong) on their activity over the next three months fell to 25%, from 31% in January. In industry the proportion declined to 27% from 39% in January. Impact on margins In industry, 19% of businesses said they thought the energy crisis would have a strong impact on their margins over the next three months; the proportion has been declining for four months (22% in March and 31% in January). The share of firms that said more generally that the energy crisis will have a significant (weak or strong) impact on their margins over the next three months was 47%, down from 52% the previous month. This proportion reached 57% in industry (compared to 64% the previous month). 4 graphs introduce share of businesses in industry expecting the energy crisis to have a significant impact on margins over the next three months (% of surveyed businesses): 1. Industry: - january: 69%; - february: 66%; - march: 64%; - april: 57%. 2. Services: - january: 44%; - february: 47%; - march: 47%; - april: 43%. 3. Construction: - january: 61%; - february: 57%; - march: 54%; - april: 48%. 4. Combined: - january: 52%; - february: 53%; - march: 52%; - april: 47%.
The impact of the energy crisis on activity and margins
Image EMC May 2023 - Appendix 2 : New sectors added to the survey market services Description The appendix introduces new sectors added to the survey market services. The scope of the market services survey is extended to six additional sectors, in order to improve the survey’s coverage of service activities. The integration of these new sectors may lead to a marginal revision of some aggregate series (notably total market services). Code Heading 5210B Non-refrigerated warehousing and storage 5221Z Auxiliary land transport services 5229A Courier, express freight 5229B Transport chartering and organisation 5610C Fast food restaurants 7312Z Media advertising  
New sectors added to the survey Market services

Updated on 4 December 2023