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- Pierre Aldama
Pierre Aldama
Macroeconomist forecaster - Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Division

Pierre Aldama is macroeconomist in the Directorate General Statistics, Economics and International, within the Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Division. He is particularly interested in macroeconomic policy issues, especially fiscal policy, and in macroeconomic modelling. Before joining the Banque de France, he was a lecturer and researcher at University Paris 1.
Current Position
Macroeconomist forecaster, Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Division
Previous Position
Macroeconomist-modeller, Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Division
Lecturer and researcher at Université Paris 1
- PhD in Economics, Paris 1 University, Paris School of Economics
- École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Social sciences
- Master in Economics, Paris 1 University, Paris School of Economics
Research Interest
Fiscal policy, macroeconomic modelling
- pierre.aldama@banque-france.fr
- +33 (0)1 42 92 51 82
- Banque de France, 46-1376 DGSEI, 75049 Paris Cedex 01
Academic Publications
- Real-time fiscal policy responses in the OECD from 1997 to 2018: procyclical but sustainable? , with J. Creel, European Journal of Political Economy, 2021
- Fiscal policy in the US: Sustainable after all?, with Jérôme Creel, Economic Modelling, Volume 81, September 2019, Pages 471-479 (Previously published as OFCE WP2017-23: Fiscal policy in the US: Ricardian after all?)
- Les règles budgétaires. Une analyse empirique sur données révisées et en temps réel, with Jérôme Creel, Revue de l'OFCE, N. 158, Décembre 2018
- Asymmetric macroeconomic stabilization and fiscal consolidation in the OECD and the Euro Area, avec Jérôme Creel, OFCE WP2020-09
- Fiscal policy in the US: Ricardian after all?, with Jérôme Creel, OFCE WP2017-23
- Why Fiscal Regimes Matter for Fiscal Sustainability Analysis: An Application to France, with Jérôme Creel, INFER WP 2017-01
Macroeconomic projections
9th of October 2024
Macroeconomic projections
1st of August 2024
Macroeconomic projections
Macroeconomic projections
Macroeconomic projections
Macroeconomic projections
Macroeconomic projections
Economic conditions
Macroeconomic projections
Macroeconomic projections
Economic conditions
Macroeconomic projections
Economic conditions
7th of September 2022
Macroeconomic projections
Economic conditions
21st of October 2020
30th of September 2020
Working paper
Macroeconomic projections
Economic conditions
21st of January 2020
31st of October 2019