Published on 22 September 2023

18 June 2024 - 09:00

This seminar will cover the data, models and processes used by a central bank to produce forecasts, particularly in the context of Euro-system projection exercises. Presentations and discussions will cover exercises ranging from the very short term (including nowcasting) to long-term horizons. Projections of economic activity, inflation, public finances, international trade, and climatic risks will be addressed.

Apply / Program

Dates: 18-20 June 2024

Apply before: 17 June 2024

Language: English

Location: On-line

Contact: Julio RAMOS-TALLADA





The seminar will address in particular the following topics:

  • How to organize an integrated forecasting process
  • FR-BDF, the semi-structural forecasting model of Banque de France
  • Use of surveys and nowcasting models
  • Forecasting in times of crisis 
  • Inflation forecast
  • Fiscal forecast
  • Assessment of the international environment
  • Post-mortems of macroeconomic forecasts produced with large models


This seminar is intended mainly for central bank economists. There are not ex ante analytical requirements, but a basic knowledge of econometric methods and some experience in modelling will help take full advantage of this training. The attendees are expected to interact actively during the seminar, answering on-line surveys and quizzes and assessing the sessions.


  • Only staff from public bodies (central bank, ministry, national statistical office…) may apply to IBFI seminars;
  • We accept only valid official domains (from the type of institutions above) as registration e-mail address. We need at least one official e-mail address per participant. 

        Applications not fulfilling these two conditions will be automatically rejected.

Updated on 17 June 2024