10th BdF-BoE-BdI international macroeconomics workshop: "Structural factors in the global economy"

Published on 15 May 2024

25 October 2024 - 09:00

Banca d’Italia, the Bank of England and Banque de France are jointly organizing the 10th edition of their International Macroeconomics Workshop on 25 October 2024. This year’s edition focuses on the implications of secular trends and structural factors in international macro and finance.The keynote lecture will be given by Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan). The conference will be an in-person meeting and will take place at the headquarters of the Banque de France in Paris.

Venue and dates

The workshop will take place in Paris at the Banque de France and will be held in-person.

25 October 2024

Content and participants

The keynote lecture will be given by Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan).

This edition focuses on the implications of secular trends and structural factors in international macro and finance. We invite theoretical and empirical research covering the following topics:

  • Financial fragmentation and the changing structure of the international monetary system
  • Implications of deglobalization and supply chain fragmentation for cross-border spillovers and monetary policy
  • Rising public debt levels, demographic trends and productivity: implications for safe asset demand and global R*
  • International spillovers from the green transition and climate-related risks
  • Rising inequality, household heterogeneity and the international transmission of shocks
  • The rise of NBFIs and their links to the wider global financial system

Program : 

8h30 Registration and Welcome coffee

Dangerous Liaisons? Debt Supply and Convenience Yield Spillovers in the Euro Area
Cristian Arcidiacono (Graduate Institute Geneva), Matthieu Bellon (European Stability Mechanism), Matthias Gnewuch (European Stability Mechanism)

Discussant: Nuno Coimbra (Banque de France)


China’s Savings Glut and Investor’s Hunt for Safe Assets
Angela Gallo (Bayes Business School), Diwen Gao (Bristol Business School), Vasso Ioannidou (Bayes Business School)

Discussant: Guillaume Vuillemey (HEC Paris)

11h00 Break

Keynote lecture: Noisy Global Value Chains

Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan)

12h30 Lunch

Geopolitical Risk and Global Banking
Friederike Niepmann (Fed Board), Leslie Shen (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)

Discussant: Andrei Zlate (Fed Board)


Dominant Currency Pricing Transition
Marco Garofalo (Bank of England), Giovanni Rosso (University of Oxford), Roger Vicquery (Bank of England)

Discussant: Isabelle Méjean (Sciences Po)

15h30 Break

Global Value Chains and the Phillips Curve: A Challenge for Monetary Policy
Anna Florio (Politecnico di Milano), Daniele Siena (Politecnico di Milano), Riccardo Zago (Banque de France)

Discussant: Aditya Soenarjo (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)


Population Aging, Relative Prices and Capital Flows Across the Globe
Andrea Papetti (Banca d’Italia) 

Discussant: Rana Sajedi (Bank of England)

18h00 Adjourn



Luisa Carpinelli (BdI, luisa.carpinelli@bancaditalia.it)
Aydan Dogan (BoE, aydan.dogan@bankofengland.co.uk)
Daniel Ostry (BoE, daniel.ostry@bankofengland.co.uk)
Julia Schmidt (BdF, julia.schmidt@banque-france.fr)