Erick Lacourrège

Director General Currency – Retail Payments

Erick Lacourrege

Erick Lacourrège was born in Bordeaux, France, in 1967.

He holds Master’s degrees in economics and in political science from the University of Bordeaux, and an Executive MBA from ESSEC Business School in Paris.

He joined the Banque de France in 1991 and has held a number of positions: deputy project manager for the Bank’s critical IT recovery plan, head of the branch network projects department, project manager for the adaptation of customer management to the changeover to the euro.

In 2000, he joined the Banque de France’s Directorate General Banknote Manufacturing where he held several positions before being appointed Deputy Director General and Director General in 2014.

On 1 January 2018, he was appointed Director General Services to the Economy and Branch Network Activities. 

In 2023, he became Director General Currency – Retail Payments following the merger of the Bank’s banknote manufacturing activities with the management of currency in circulation and supervision of retail and digital payments. He is also responsible for managing the Bank’s gold reserves. The new Directorate General Currency – Retail Payments was created to unify the management and supervision of all payment-related issues. In parallel, Erick Lacourrège was appointed Chair of the National Payments Council, which brings together all participants in the French payments ecosystem. He is also Chair of Europafi, a subsidiary of the Banque de France and several other Eurosystem central banks that specialises in the manufacture of banknote paper.

Erick Lacourrège is a member of the Banque de France’s Executive Committee.

He is also a member of the European Central Bank’s High-Level Task Force on the digital euro and of its Banknote Committee (BANCO). He is Chair of the Executive Committee of the Central Bank Counterfeit Deterrence Group (CBCDG), a G10 organisation that protects its 35 member countries against banknote counterfeiting.