Soledad Zignago

Senior Research Economist, in charge of research communication

Soledad Zignago

Soledad Zignago is a senior research economist, in charge of research communication in the Directorate General Statistics, Economics and International. Previously, she was Deputy Head of the Structural Policies and the International Trade & Competitiveness Divisions, and a senior economist in the International Macroeconomics Division. Before joining the Banque de France in 2010, Soledad Zignago was Principal Economist at the Emerging Economies Unit of BBVA Research, in Madrid, and a research economist at the CEPII.

Current Position

Senior Research Economist, in charge of research communication

Previous Position

  • Deputy Head of the Banque de France Structural Policies Division (2015-2016)
  • Deputy Head of the Banque de France Competitiveness and External Trade Division (2013-2015)
  • Senior Economist in the Banque de France International Macroeconomics Division (2010-2013)
  • Principal Economist with BBVA Research (2009-2010)
  • Economist with CEPII (2000-2009)


PhD in Economics, Paris 1 University

Research Interest

International trade and macroeconomics


Academic publications


  • "European Export Performance" (2014), Review of World Economics 150(1), with A. Cheptea & L. Fontagné. Online appendix available here.
  • "Regional integration of trade in South America: how far has it progressed and in which sectors?" (2013), International Trade Journal 27 (1), avec L. Curran.
  • "The emergence of China and the evolution of the international trade in Brazil" (2012), Integration & Trade Journal 35, avec E. Dos Santos.
  • "Market Access in Global and Regional Trade" (2012), Regional Science and Urban Economics (42) 6, avec J. de Sousa et T. Mayer. 
  • "Trade in East Asia in ASEAN+3: Structure and dynamics of intermediates and final-goods trading activity by technology" (2012), Asia Pacific Business Review 18 (3), avec L. Curran.
  • "Regional integration of trade in South America: how far has it progressed and in which sectors?" (2012), International Trade Journal International Trade Journal 26 (4), with L. Curran.
  • "EU enlargement and the evolution of European production networks" (2011), Research in International Business and Finance 26 (2), avec L. Curran.
  • « Plus grandes, plus fortes, plus loin... Les performances des firmes exportatrices françaises » (2011), Revue Économique 62 (4), avec M. Crozet et I. Méjean.
  • "Measure and determinants of border effects of Brazilian states" (2009), Papers in Regional Science 88 (4), avec M. Daumal. 
  • "Specialisation across Varieties within Products and North-South Competition" (2008), Economic Policy 23, avec L. Fontagné et G. Gaulier. 
  • "A Re-evaluation of the Impact of Regional Trade Agreements" (2007), International Economics 109 (1), avec L. Fontagné. 
  • "Border Effects in the Atlantic Triangle" (2005), Integration and Trade Journal 22, avec T. Mayer.
  • "Trade in the Triad: How easy is the access to large markets?" (2005), Canadian Journal of Economics 38 (4), avec L. Fontagné et T. Mayer. 
  • « La discrimination commerciale révélée comme mesure désagrégée de l’accès aux marchés » (2002), Économie Internationale 89-90, avec G. Gaulier. 
  • "Regionalization and Intra-Industry Trade. An Analysis of Automobile Industry Trade in NAFTA" (2002), Région et développement 16, avec S. Montout et J.-L. Mucchielli. 
  • « Commerce et IDE dans un cadre de régionalisation : le cas du Mercosur » (2000), Revue Économique 51 (3), avec M. Castilho.


"Notes on CEPII’S distances measures: The GeoDist database" (2011), Document de Travail CEPII 25, avec T. Mayer.

"BACI: International Trade Database at the Product-level. The 1994-2007 Version" (2010), Document de Travail CEPII 23, avec G. Gaulier.

"Market Positioning of Varieties in World Trade: is Latin America Losing Out on Asia?" (2009), Document de Travail CEPII 09, avec N. Mulder et R. Paillacar.

"International Trade Price Indices" (2008), Document de Travail CEPII 10, avec G. Gaulier, J. Martin et I. Méjean.

"World Trade Competitiveness: A Disaggregated View by Shift-Share Analysis" (2005), Document de travail CEPII 23, avec A. Cheptea et G. Gaulier.

"Skills, Technology and Growth: Is ICT the Key to Success? An Analysis of ICT Impact on French Growth" (2003), Document de travail CEPII 04, avec J. Melka, N.