Agnès Bénassy-Quéré

Second Deputy Governor of the Banque de France

Agnes Benassy Quere intervention

Agnès Bénassy-Quéré is Second Deputy Governor at the Banque de France, on leave from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Paris School of Economics, where she is Professor of Economics.

Before joining the Banque de France, she was Chief Economist at the French Treasury (2020-2023). From 2012 to 2017, she was Deputy Chairman of the Conseil d'analyse économique. She was previously Director of CEPII (2006-2012), and has held academic positions at the universities of Paris-Nanterre, Lille and Cergy-Pontoise, as well as at the École Polytechnique.

She has been a member of the Haut Conseil de Stabilité Financière, the Conseil général de la Banque de France, the Conseil des prélèvements obligatoires, the Conseil national de productivité and the Conseil d'analyse économique franco-allemand.

She was also a non-resident researcher at Bruegel and head of the CEPR's research network on European economic architecture. Her research focuses mainly on the international monetary system and macroeconomic policy in Europe.